Projects Page

This is my projects page. I have started many projects over the years, many of them I've even finished, but at least an equal number have become neglected through the years. This page is my attempt to list the ones that I still might have a chance at completing. Organization-wise, these will be organized by game and/or genre. My projects tend to be self-organize that way. So I might pull together a complete army for Age of Sigmar, or I might paint a bunch of terrain to make a table full of ruins.

Man O'War
Man O'War is an old game by GW. I have 5 "complete" fleets for this game. They are: Lizardman, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Skaven, Khorne. 3d print shops have been making some pretty good re-scuplts for this game recently. Some of the re-scuplts even can be printed with my home printer to good effect. I'm tempted to pick up an Empire and/or Bretonnian fleet. I also have a fully painted copy of Dreadfleet. Dreadfleet comes with a pretty good play map and much of the Underworlds terrain also works in this scale which gives a wide selection of islands.

Left to do: Assembling/Painting fleets (maybe get more fleets)

Space Hulk
I have a copy, fully painted, of the re-release of Space Hulk. About 20+ genestealers and 12ish blood angel terminators.

Left to do: Nothing

Another old GW game. I have a 1000 point Skaven army (heavy on Jezzails iirc). At one point I had a 500 pt Chaos army, but I think it got "lost" in a move. The Skaven army is about 1/3rd painted. There are some surprisingly good 3d re-scuplts for this game as well, although given the size of the miniatures, you'd need to use a comercial 3d printer (or invest in a better home one).

Left to do: Need more armies, need to expand existing army, need to assemble and paint. Also need terrain (3d print?)

Age of Sigmar/Warcry/Shadespire
All of these are 32mm miniatures and many can be used between systems.

5,000ish points worth of Beastmen (~200+ models). This project only requires that I pick up the occasional newly released model. I still need a Cygor/Ghorgon to complete my "set". I also still need to paint a Doombull and a Chariot.

Left to do: get the Ghorgon and/or Cygor, paint Chariot & Doombull

1,500 points worth of Sylvaneth. This is my old Tree Spirit Wood Elf army that I rebased for AoS. I've begun picking up the new (as in released in 2017ish) Sylvaneth stuff. I'd like to expand it to 2500ish points with multiple treemen and more kurnoth hunters (and maybe even Alarielle).

Left to do: New Models (Alarielle, Kurnoth Hunters, Spites, Revenants)

Night Goblins/Moonclan Grots/Gloomspite
About 3,000 ish points worth of Goblins. Everything is complete on this except some older metal sculpts I picked up (heroes and wizards). Every-so-often I feel tempted to pick up some of the newer stuff (Squigs and Trolls), but so far I haven't acted on it.

Left to do: New Models (Squigs & Trolls)

I assembled 2 Isle of Blood's worth of Skaven. Not sure what I'm going to do with them longterm, but it's a good start on a Skaven army.

Left to do: ?

High Elves
Given that High Elves were "squatted" in AoS, I'm not too sure what to do about these. They were about 2,500 pts worth. I had thoughts of rebasing them into an Eldtritch Council army, but that's obviously not going to work now. I could pull together a Pheonix army though. They are assembled (on square bases), but unpainted.

Left to do: ?

I've been painted all of the Underworlds warbands as they release.

Left to do: Paint the Ogre & Nurgle warbands, DoK band when it releases.

I've been painting enough to play Warcry (including a good selection of monsters).

Left to do: Starter warbands, More Warcry terrain (Woods & Platforms)

I've been painting GW's ruin terrain as they release it. I think there's a few pieces I don't have currently. I also have their Sigmar Mausoleum and a few Woods. I have enough for several tables worth I suspect.

Left to do: I'd love to get a Fortress and some regular houses would be good.

Endless Spells
I have all of the generic AoS endless spells, except for a few of the most recent painted.

Left to do: Paint the remaining Endless spells (the Undead Bridge, the Scary gheist & the Monoliths that slow you down)

Epic is an old 6mm tank/giant robot game. I have both old and the most recent re-release. Old I have 6000ish points worth of Space Marine, Imperial Guard & Titan Legions complete (so 20,000 points total iirc). I also have an entire city worth of terrain. I also have most of Eldar and Ork armies (unassembled). This is another game-system where there are a bunch of 3d sculpts, but this system also has entire other companies that make proxies. I'm often tempted by the Grund (i.e. Squats) made by Onslaught. For the new system I have a bunch of Titans that need assembly, the new stuff is slightly different scale than the old.

Left to do:
    (Old Game) I did some 3d modelling and prints of a fortress, finish that kit off. Pull together the Eldar and Ork Armies. Maybe do Squats.
    (New Game) Assemble and Paint a bunch of Titans, Knights and Terrain.

I've been picking up this game, but still haven't started putting anything together.

Left to do: Everything

Blood Bowl/Blitz Bowl
I have multiple blood bowl teams (Halfling, Human, Skaven, Orc, Dwarf*, Chaos, Goblin*, 1/2 Undead) (* missing minis), although only the Halflings are painted/complete. Most are assembled (except for a few Orcs and Humans oddly enough). Part of me is tempted to do these as Blitz Bowl teams and paint them in 1/2 team chunks.

Left to do: Finish collecting the teams I have. Paint Paint Paint

Warhammer Quest
I have a fully complete and painted copy of Silver Tower and Shadows of Hammerhal.

Left to do: Nothing

Mighty Empires
I have a bunch of Mighty Empire tiles that would be fun to get painted. They'd make a fun basis for a map based campaign.

Left to do: Paint

Since I have so many random minis from Warhammer Quest, Underworlds & Warcry, I actually have small armies for Chaos and Stormcast painted (if I added and painted the Khorne & Stormcast miniatures from the old starter set ... I'd have pretty respectable (over 1,000 pts) forces)

Left to do: Assemble and Paint Khorne and Stormcast from Starter Set.

I have some Black Sail ships for Warlord Games (the starter and 1 3rd rate box iirc). They are unassembled but at some point I should put them together and get them painted. I'm a little intimidated by the rigging.

Left to do: Assemble and Paint. Might need a few more ships.

I've got the basic boxes for Frostgrave (Soldiers I&II and Wizards I&II). Enough to make a few warbands. The plan was to use the Warcry terrain to model Felstad.

Left to do: Put together a band and paint it up.

I have Lucius and a Rasputina warbands for Malifaux. The Lucius warband is even painted. My interest in this game has waned slightly.

Left to do: Paint some of the newer Lucius miniatures (Guild Guardsmen on horse), Paint Rasputina's Warband.

I have a Bauhaus (mostly complete, mostly painted) army for the old Warzone game.

Left to do: I have a bunch of stuff that's unassembled I could add to this. They are still nice models, but the system is pretty dead.

Full Thrust
I have a NSL fleet for Full Thrust, as well as a random selection of other ships I thought would look good at this scale (many of them are old Silent Death minis). They are assembled but unpainted. Sometimes I think it would be fun to get this all painted up. Full Thrust is a pretty fun game.

Left to do: Paint

Pirates of the Spanish Main
For completeness, I thought I'd mention the 20+ ships I have for this old game. They've mostly been converted to be used in a Full Thrust (i.e. Full Sail) game I wrote a long time ago.

Left to do: Nothing

Fairy Meat
Oddly enough I have a ton of Fairy Meat miniatures (no Gnomes, unfortunately). No idea what I'd do with them. Only a few are painted (and some of those were painted by my (then) 6 year old daughter). The game is odd in that it's pretty basic, and the miniatures are even odder (in that they are 1:1 scale). I always thought it would be fun to run a game with a bowl full of candy ... you can only eat a piece of candy if you manage to eat another fairy.

Left to do: Assembly and Paint

15mm Elves
There used to be a game called Demonworld. It was an odd thing that was played on a hex grid. It had some pretty nice (for the time) miniatures. I have a bunch of 15mm elves in various state of painted for it (I think... I haven't seen them in a while ... they may have gone on walk-about during a move). There might be some Ral Partha 15mm elves in this pile of lead too.

Left to do: Paint

I've got a bunch of old Deadlands miniatures (most of a Undead/Voodoo force painted) as well as the start of an old west town (the old Ertl Cowtown). Included in this is several sets of a train that works in this scale. I've often thought it'd be fun to run a Savage Worlds/Deadlands/Great Rail Wars retelling of the Deadland's Night Train Module as a Tabletop Game.

Left to do: Paint (and some terrain assembly).

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