Night Goblin Formula


  1. Prime the model dark grey, using Krylon Gray Sandable Primer. This is a thickish primer, so need to be careful not to over prime. This is color is the closest I could find to Eshin Grey.
  2. Wash the entire model with Nuln Oil (adding this step, still haven't tried it).
  3. Dry brush the entire model with Dawnstone thickly.
  4. Dry brush edges with Longbeard Grey.
  5. Wash entire model with Nuln Oil.
  6. Paint rope belts with Ushabti Brown (just the top points).

Spears/Bows/Handweapons (on Spear Gobbos)

  1. Paint blades Boltgun Metal
  2. Paint ropes used to hold blade and the grip of the bows Ushabti Brown
  3. Paint shaft Deathclaw Brown
  4. Wash entire thing with Agrax Earthshade.
  5. Paint tip of spear/blade with Boltgun metal.


  1. Paint faces/hands/arms Warboss Green (skip mouths)
  2. Paint eyes Red (can't remember the name at the moment)
  3. Wash with Biel-Tan Green
  4. Paint center of eyes orange.
  5. Highlight noses/lips/cheeks/foreheads with Skarsnik Green
  6. Highlight noses Nurgling Green.
  7. Paint teeth Screaming Skull


  1. Paint with Aggrellan Earth (put way more than you think you need to get good crackle effect).
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Paint outside with Deathclaw Brown

Bad Moons

  1. Paint Sneaky Git Yellow
  2. Wash with Agrax Brown
  3. Highlight with White


  1. See Robes, but use more Longbeard Grey on the net part.
  2. Weights Boltgun Metal
  3. Ropes holding weights Ushabti Brown
  4. Wash weights and their ropes with Agrax Earthshade.
  1. Paint either Ulthuan Blue (this appears to have been replaced by Macragge Blue) [Base] or Kantor Blue [Base] (depending on the underlying tone your shooting for).
  2. Wash with Nuln Oil [Wash]
  3. Depending on how light colored you want them, dry brush with Ulthuan/Macragge Blue [Base], Lothern Blue [Layer], Skink Blue [Drybrush], Whitescars White [Layer].  The last dry brush should only be on the faces/noses. Note: The Skink Blue came out very chalky on flat areas, it still looks good on faces though, perhaps skip that step for future ones.
  4. Paint the belly and lower lip Lothern Blue [Layer]. Paint up to the "corners" of the lips.
  5. Before the above dries, paint White Scars White [Layer] a little inside what you just painted, make sure you do small circles to blend into the Lothern Blue. Paint the lower lip white as well.
  6. Paint eyes White Scars White [Layer]
  7. Paint gums and tongues (where visible) Squig Orange [Layer]
  8. Wash entire squig thinned down (1:1 with water) Drakenhoff Nightshade [Shade] or Druchii Violet [Shade].
  9. Having done these steps yet ... but:
  10. Zandri Dust [Base] teeth, claws, horns.
  11. Highlight teeth, claws, horns Ushabti Brown [Layer] followed by second highlight of Screaming Skull [Layer] and then a final highlight of White Scars White [Layer] (just teeth).
  12. Touch up the eyes with White Scars White [Layer]
  13. Highlight gums and tongues Troll Slayer Orange [Layer]
  1. Zendri Dust
  2. Agrax Earthshade
  3. Ushabti Bone
  4. Screaming Skull (on just the high points).

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