Friday, January 24, 2020

Warhammer Underworlds: The Grymwatch

Don't worry ... the good guys are here!

These are The Grymwatch. In fluff, they are a bunch of deluded ghouls who think they are a noble band of knights (and close retainers) who are going to rid the land of a horrific monster. In reality, they are a bunch of cannibalistic ghouls.

I have some old Nosferatu (for a game called "The Great Rail Wars"), which I painted in black/white/shades of grey. I tried the same thing here. I think it makes them look a bit too spectral, and so if I paint more ghouls I'll probably go with a slightly different scheme. The flesh is Greyseer, followed by a mix of 1:1:1 of Contrast Medium:Contrast White:Contrast Grey, then a drybrush of Pallid Whych flesh and highlights of Scar White. I used Contrast Skeleton Horde to do the bones, and Contrast Black to do the hair. Everything else was just my standard recipes.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rust Monster

The most feared monster in D&D. The Rust Monster! This is my last Nolzur's miniature for the moment. Mostly red with orange hilights and tan frills on it's feared antennae. I like him, although he's not very flashy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Monodrone & Duodrone

I think these are the first Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures I ever purchased. I thought they were cute. I wish I'd paid a bit more attention to casting defects (they have a number of nasty ones which I couldn't really resolve easily) and grabbed a different pack, but I still think they look good. They were fun and simple to paint. (Leadbelcher undercoat, pick out details with gold (and lenses blue, feathers white), then wash Nuln Oil, and then pick out highlights).

I'm not 100% sure which is the Monodrone and which the Duodrone (1 eyed is the mono, 2 eyed the duo?). I also vaguely recall that these things tended to attack in hordes, not sure if 2 would ever be enough in game, but that's what dice are for (roundish dice for the round one, six sided for the square ones).

Monday, January 6, 2020

Out with 2019, In with 2020!

Another year down. 2019 was a pretty good year for miniature painting, but looking at the list of things to paint for next year (here), it doesn't feel like it's dropped by a lot. That's depressing me a bit. (Note: I moved some extra credit into the main list and so that makes it seem like I'm not making as much progress ... but still ...). I'm thinking that I might just do my blood bowl teams as blitz bowl teams, that more than 1/2's the painting needed there. I play blitz bowl semi-frequently and it's been a few years since I've played blood bowl. I always have a desire to start a new army, and I'll keep fighting that desire down.

Hopefully 2020 will be another good year.

I need to spend some time organizing the miniatures I painted last year (overcoating, basing & storage).


Land Shark!

It's Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Bullette as the first miniature of 2020. He almost made it into 2019.

His pose is a bit odd, in that you can't see his back half (it's under the earth). And the "earth" he's exploding from is a bit odd too (it's tough to figure out what bits are dirt, which are rocks, which are something else ... mud?)

I mostly used Contrast with highlights added where it seemed a bit "washed out". I really like the snake bite leather for the leathery skin (that's just straight Contrast). My take is a bit "brighter" than most Bullette's I've seen online.

2019 December Totals

The final month of the year! Yoohoo! The stretch goal of the year was 365 miniatures, but the more realistic goal was 20 per month. I made the passed the realistic goal by 21 miniatures, so I'm pretty happy about that.

Although, I'm looking at the list below, and not a single one of these miniatures was on the list I made at the beginning of the year. hmmmm...

  • 1 Rack
  • 1 Iron Maiden
  • 2 Cannons
  • 1 Large Fire Elemental
  • 4 Medium Fire Elemental
  • 13 Timeworn Ruins
  • 1 Displacer Beast
  • 1 Tardis/Police Box
  • 6 Warhammer Underwords Beastgrave Terrain Features
  • 2 Oxen
  • 2 Myconid

December Totals: 33
2019 Totals: 261